Support our first Fund Raiser !!!
Posted by Lise van de Kamp
on Aug 16, 2012

The first fund raiser of the Rotary Club of Portsmouth is in full swing.
Raffle tickets have been printed courtesy of Campbell's Business Machine and the club administration committee has done a great job getting top-class prizes.
Would you like to have a FREE 3-night stay at the Bay Gardens Hotel at Rodney Bay in St. Lucia? Or do you prefer 2 nights at the luxury eco-resort Secret Bay in Picard?
Have a look at the poster; we have 10 very good reason to spend $ 5 on a raffle ticket. Or better, buy a handful of tickets and win more than one prize :-).
Come support us on the 5th of September in De Champ, Restaurant & Bar (Picard, up the hill across the Ross main gate) where the lucky draw will take place. A percentage if the proceeds of that evening will be donated to Rotary by the establishment.
There will also be a game of Trivia and the sales of the Trivia-cards is another contribution to the fund raiser. Come out and bring your family and friends for a night of fun an charity.
Many thanks to the sponsors of the prizes. Please give them your business!