Farewell Rotarians Joy and Ron
Farewell to our top couple Joy and Ron Himnel
We at the Rotary Club of Portsmouth, were sad to hear that Joy and Ron had to leave Dominica for family purposes!
They have faithfully come and take part actively at our meetings and projects and we will be missing them dearly!
They keep Dominica in their heart with the club banner that was presented them and the special "Women in Rotary" pin for Joy and they promised that they will be back to visit us!
It was a joined farewell within the Rotary club of Portsmouth and sponsor of the evening Hotel The Champs which specially thanked Ron for his help in their business place.
President Stewart and all our members will regret to see them go and wish them all the best back in the USA!

Our very active Sergeant at Arms, Rotarian Annick, also received a special pin from Past President Lise:
an SAA pin in a size that no one can miss. Thanks Annick for being a great SAA.