Rotary Grenada Supports Dominica Plastic Recycle Project
Rotary Club of Portsmouth and Recycle Rebuild SCIO have produced the first product of their joint recycling project.
Rory Dickens, newest member of the Rotary Club of Portsmouth and co-founder of Recycle Rebuild with the assistance of Anne Sofie Uldahl Eriksen has produced the first recycled plastic product made from 3 plastic forks and plastic party cup retrieved from the beaches of Dominica.

This joint project has so far built a plastic shredder and an injection molding machine with the objective of producing useful, saleable products. Our goal is to create a viable, sustainable business employing community members of Portsmouth and the surrounding areas to manage the facility, which can make and sell useful and decorative recycled plastic products.
End of July the Rotary Club of Portsmouth received a financial donation from the Rotary Clubs of Grenada to sponsor this innovative and much needed project. Once the pilot side in Portsmouth will be up and running in their own workshop, occupied by local employed people The Rotary Club of Portsmouth and Recycle Rebuild hope to receive more sponsorship to open several small recycle shops all over the Island.
It will build awareness of the plastic problem in Dominica and will give local people the chance to learn a new skill and earn their own living.
For EC$25 you can buy these earrings and support this worthwhile endeavor.
Contact Rory Dickens directly on +1 767 277 0771 for more information.