Portsmouth Rotary Realized Literacy Project
"I Am Dominica" Literacy Project Realized
The Rotary Club of Portsmouth has purchased 50 copies of the new children's book, "I Am Dominica". This bi-lingual book is multi-faceted, in that it aims to stimulate literacy among young children, providing them with familiar content that they can identify with, as well as teaches them the Creole language. Additionally, it is popular among adults (Dominicans at home and abroad) who understand and appreciate the need to preserve Dominica's culture and heritage, as well as visitors who know very little about Dominica.
The books will be distributed to Primary Schools in the north of Dominica. The money for the books was raised at the recent Portsmouth Rotary Charter Night Dinner held at the Cabrits National Park. A special thanks to all those who supported this by purchasing raffle tickets and to Jewellers International and Digicel of Dominica who donated the prizes.
Thursday Dec 5: RC Portsmouth President Dan Hopkins presents a check for 50 copies of the book to writer Mara Manley