Posted by Annick Giraud
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
I would like today to thank everyone who participated in our Investiture Cocktail ! Hands up!
And make my comments as a Four-Way-Test ..
Is it the Truth?  YES
the Investiture Ceremony took place at the charming Madiba Cafe on the beach of Lagoon Portsmouth this Thursday at 5.30 p.m.
Is it Fair to All Concerned? OF COURSE
There was all what we expected. People attended and showed interest.
Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendship ? EXACTLY
Rotarians and non Rotarians shared a special evening as they were gathered for the Investiture of the new board and its President for 2017-2018
Weather , food and drinks , music and a special violonist enchanted the
crowd. The raffle went well ! And in time!
Will it Be Beneficial to All Concerned ? OF COURSE
Everyone left with a smile on their face , new contacts and re-contacts were made with the promise to continue the good job .
My fellow Rotarians a happy and fruitful Rotary Year, let’s go to work and do what we do best ”Service above Self”
PR and SAA Annick.
Here is what Rotarian Brian said: "My impressions of the Investiture Celebration, I thought it went well. We had great food, great company, a fabulous setting, and wonderful turnout of 43 Rotarians, sponsors, friends of our Rotary club, and guests. We also had good success with our raffle during the event. In total, I saw the event was a success."
And this is what one of our guests wrote us: "Greetings. I was happy to accept your invitation and to be present at the Cocktail Investiture. Thank you for the invitation. Faithfully, Eulalie"