Distric Governor Elwin Visits Rotary Portsmouth
District Governor Elwin Visits Rotary Portsmouth
The Rotary Club of Portsmouth was graced with the presence of District Governor Elwin Atmodimedjo accompanied by his wife Maureene, on Thursday 30th October 2014.
Assistant Governor Haynes Jacob welcomed the District Governor and President Morrison Azille introduced himself, followed by the members that were present and gave their classifications and positions in the board of our Rotary Club.
A brief update on the club's activities was presented by Rotarian Morrison and a short 5 minutes video was shown on The Emergency Room upgrade of the Portsmouth Hospital. Pesident Morrison also outlined the different projects that the club focuses on namely, The Portsmouth Hospital, Calibishie Sanitation, Salybia bus stop, early literacy and free library.
Next Rotarian Stewart Paris gave more details on The Emergency Room and The Calibishie Sanitation projects and answered questions of DG Elwin and others present.
The District Governor congratulated the club on a job well done. He highlighted activities that are related to a successful club, Rotary days, Membership Development and the Rotary Foundation. He encourages the club and members individually to give to the Foundation and went on to explain why this is so important for future funding of projects both through grants of the Foundation and financial support by the District.
Then the meeting moved to the Portsmouth Hospital where a tour of the current Emergency Room was given to the District Governor. Rotarian Stewart explained the detailed drawing of the room as is and how it will be when the upgrade and extension is done.
The meeting ended by taking a group photo with all making the hand gesture that indicates "We Are This Close" to show how close Rotary International and its partners are in eradicating polio form the world.