3rd Thursday of the Month
Please note that this week’s Rotary meeting is not in Riverside Restaurant.
On every 3rd Thursday of the month we have the meeting at a location where we don’t have to buy a meal or snack. The money we save (set at $25 per person) goes to the treasurer and she saves it to pay for every club member over the year US$100 to the Rotary International Foundation.
The Foundation makes it possible to get international grants for bigger projects (like our emergency room project). See here >>> https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-foundation
So this Thursday at 5:30 you are most welcome at the lower deck of Hotel The Champs (when coming into the restaurant just ask and they’ll show you where to go)
Members are encouraged to bring their own sandwich, snack, drink so they don’t have to buy anything. For those that don’t want to take that trouble, they can buy something at The Champs but they still have to pay their $25 for the Foundation – even stronger, even if member does not attend the 3rd Thursday meeting, they still have to pay their contribution J
For you as a guest, that does not apply. You only have to choose between bringing a snack or buying from the champs. Note: next month it will be at another members house or business place.
Hope all that is clear but feel free to ask questions.